Wechsler Technologies provide any type of thermal fluid systems and ancilliary equipment to meet customers needs. Whether it is process heaters, thermal fluid safety components, ultra high performance burner systems, process heaters, filtration systems, pump skids or thermal fluid expansion systems or tanks, we can do it.
— Process Heaters
Wechsler offers several different types of process heaters for thermal fluid systems.
— Opti-Therm line is a 3 pass design for 85% efficiency and up to 750 F fluid temperatures. Our standard is up to 75 MMBTU/hr capacity.
Opti-Therm Heater
— Electric Process Heater Line offers up to 3500 psi, up to 750 F for fluids and 1400 F for process gas. Efficiency of 99.9% and thermal accuracy of 1-2 deg F. Output range is 100 kW up to 2 MW.
Electric Process Heater
— Process Bath Heaters are equipped with a fire tube and exhaust stack, process coil, and water saver tank. Bath temperature up to 250 F and a output range of 1-20 MMBTU/hr. Efficiency up to 80%.
— Custom Thermal Fluid Heaters can replace existing units or new applications. Up to 80 MMBTU/hr that can be made as a custom fit, natural gas, oil, or biomass fired applications.
In addition to thermal process heaters, Wechsler Technologies provides cost-effective operational and safety products to protect your capital equipment investment. Offerings include: cost-effective alternatives for pump monitoring, fire protection / suppression, nitrogen generation, emergency heat dissipation, and overall system interlock safeguarding your process integrity.